Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Amanda's Projects

Amanda is another prolific knitter.
She frequently wears a shawl during our group get togethers at Panera's because when the door opens a blast of air just whips right in. So she comes prepared. The colors in her shawl are just great.
She says it only takes her five hours to make these gloves. She made a pair for a friend as a gift and posted a pic on Facebook. Another friend saw them and said."Have to have them". So Amanda made this pair for her and is getting glass jewelry in return. I think they both made out like bandits.
Finally, Amanda made this hat for the Yarn Ball. I had the hat sitting on the table to give to Lyn who organizes items for the Yarn Ball for us. But a family was sitting nearby and began asking us questions about what we were doing , what all the group is about, etc. Well, the mom purchased the hat then and there (because it matched her coat) and they were happy to support our charities. Now Lyn is organizing a donation.

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