Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lyn's Prolific Hook

Lyn's been hard at work again, putting together various yarns to make baby 'ghans and lapghans. I'm always impressed with how great her creations look. Remember she's using donated yarns, and unless she gets really stuck (sometimes she uses her $$ to purchase a needed yarn) she doesn't have much choice.

But we really need a little input on the last item. Lynn put together this afghan from all the pieces that were in with yarns.
We just couldn't decide if it should be at the Yarn Ball. We thought it would appeal to teen agers or look cool in a college dorm. It's so different than the other afghans we've offered, we just weren't sure. What do you think???

1 comment:

Lisa ~ Knitsburgh said...

Just catching up on the 3RC blog and had to chime in about the final afghan... YES! Yarn Ball Auction Item! My favorite part of the yarn ball 2 years ago was piecing together the swatch-ghans and bidding on them.

Miss you guys!