SciFi Chris with the second part of my adventure Steel Valley Yarn
Crawl. Before I get to the details of
the final three shops, I want to take some space to reply to the comments from
the post on the first part of my yarn crawl.
If you just want the stuff on the Yarn Crawl shops, just skip down a
Reply to comments – First, thanks for
taking the time to read the blog and make some comments! Sorry about taking so long to reply, but this
past week I was away on vacation and didn’t check to see what was happening on
the internet while I was away. The
comments were focused on my experience at Dyed in the Wool. Two of the commenters didn’t agree with what
I posted. It’s very understandable that
folks would want to defend their favorite yarn shops, especially when someone
new doesn’t share their enthusiasm.
, in her comment, pointed out that Dyed in the Wool, which I was not impressed
with, had weaving and spinning items, in addition to knitting. I admit that I’m not a weaver or a spinner,
so even though I noticed the loom and spinning wheels, it didn’t really
register. When I go into a new yarn
shop, I look for crochet items, since that’s what I do and what I post about on
the 3RC blog. There is a definite lack
of crochet in Dyed in the Wool. I did
appreciate the tone of annschelbe’s comments, which seemed to be trying to
point out things I missed in my first impressions of the shop, pointing out the
positives that she has experienced, and encouraging me to give the shop another
comments by cgeorge480@aol.com, on the other hand, basically tried to defend
her favorite shop by attacking me. The snarky
comments about my lunch that day, implying that I was drunk and therefore wasn’t
able to make a sound evaluation of the shop, only reinforced my feelings about
the unwelcoming atmosphere of Dyed in the Wool.
Disagreeing with another person’s opinion is one thing. We all have our own preferences. However, if the only way you can do so is by
personal attacks and snarky remarks, rather than relying on presenting an
opposing opinion (such annschelbe did) then perhaps the evidence supporting
your side of the discussion isn’t that strong.
Instead of making me think that perhaps my first impressions of the shop
were inaccurate, all those comments did was reinforce that first negative impression
and made me feel that I was correct that Dyed in the Wool was not the place for
my third commenter, I hope you make it out to Kid Ewe Knot and have a nice
experience there! In this post, I’m
including my visit to Yarns Unlimited, which I very much enjoyed.
scrolling down to skip over the comments on comments.
The last of the yarn crawling I did solo.
The next day after going to the first four shops, I headed up to Grove
City and Wolf Creek Yarns. The shop is in the town itself and not in the outlet
area. I had been there a few years ago for a yarn tasting. Wolf Creek has expanded the size of its store, significantly.
They have taken the back of the shop,
which used to be the office area and storage, and turned it into more retail
area. This is a store where you keep
walking back and back, and it seems to just keep going.
It has a great selection of yarns. Sadly,
it does not have much in the way of crochet related items. The staff was
friendly and included a shop dog, Eugie.
I hope I spelled that correctly. Eugie
is a very low key shop dog, he came over to me when I entered the shop,
acknowledged my presence with a couple of tail wags, and promptly lay down for
a nap. The human staff was more energetic. Another customer in the shop was looking for
a particular pattern. The woman behind
the counter (I believe she was the owner) took some time in helping her locate
the pattern on Ravelry and explaining to the customer how buying Ravelry
patterns through a local yarn shop worked.
Very helpful. One of the items I bought at Wolf Creek was a yarn spindle. It is designed so that a ball of yarn can be slid down over the spindle and unwind without rolling all over the place. Three Rivers Crochet member Doug had picked up one on a trip to Denver. I had admired the gadget and was very pleased when I was able to get one at Wolf Creek. I currently have a ball of "Sea Star" superwash merino yarn from Unplanned Peacock Studios on it, being crocheted into a lace scarf. That's not what is shown in the photo, by the way. The photo is the yarn spindle on display in the shop.
I think going to Wolf Creek yarns would make
a fun day trip, stopping in the shop then wandering around the town of Grove
City. Wolf Creek Yarns had a small gift bag for crawlers, which included knitting
needle size gauge and a 10% off coupon for the coffee shop/cafe Beans on Broad,
around the corner from the yarn shop. I am very glad I took advantage of the
coupon. The folks who were working there were also yarn crafters! They were
very friendly and the food was good. The
gentleman behind the counter in the one photograph is the person who knitted
the pink elephant, which is shown in another photo.

The second shop I went to was Yarns Unlimited in Sewickley.
This was one of my favorite shops of the crawl. When I told the person working
there I was a crocheter, she immediately said that the shop was very crochet
friendly, rattled off the names of staff that were crocheters, that they had
crochet classes, a crochet group that met there the first Saturday of each
month, and would I like to see the new crochet hooks they had just got in. I
also noticed there were crochet magazines on display on the counter, along with
the knit magazine. It’s easy for folks
to say that their shop is crochet friendly, but it’s actually having crochet
related items prominently displayed that demonstrate that a shop really is
crochet friendly.
Yarns Unlimited had a good selection of
yarn, but then just about all the shops on the crawl have had lots of great
yarn. Which is why my yarn stash is now
much larger and my bank account is much smaller. What really stood out at Yarns Unlimited was
the massive amount of buttons. A huge
wall display of an amazing variety of buttons, made of many different types of
materials and many different styles.
From playful kids buttons to sophisticated stylish buttons. This is definitely the place to go for
Another positive thing about Yarns
Unlimited, at least from my point of view, was one of the staff noticed the
Doctor Who shirt I was wearing and exclaimed she was also a fan. We had a marvelous
conversation about Doctor Who. Always
nice to chat with a fellow geek.
The last stop on my yarn crawl had to wait
for a week, since I went off to Niagara Falls. Once I had returned to Pittsburgh and
recovered a bit from my journey to Canada, I got back in the car to make the
hour drive out to Kathy’s Kreations in Ligonier. This is another shop
that would make a good day trip activity. The yarn shop is down the road from
amusement park Idlewild and the historical attraction Fort Ligonier. There are
also lots of 'quaint' little shops. The Steelers’ training camp isn’t far from
Ligonier, so there was lots of black and gold yarn and projects on
Kathy's Kreations is worth the trip, it’s a nice shop with a good variety of
yarn. The staff was very, very friendly. When I said I was a crocheter, one of
the ladies showed me where the crochet patterns and books were. I was also
invited to sit and crochet, since it was 'open sit and stitch Saturday.' This
was also one of only two shops that included crochet items in their raffle
baskets, Kid Ewe Knot was the other. Even better, they were the only shop that
had a crochet alternative to the free yarn crawl knit pattern. There was also a
free gift of a 'handi tool' which I'm told is used by knitters to pick up
dropped stitches. It has a small crochet hook on one end and a point on the
other. Also included was a coupon for 20% off regular priced yarn on the next
The trip to Kathy’s Kreations was a very pleasant end to the 2014 Steel Valley
Yarn Crawl. It was quite an adventure
and I enjoyed getting to visit so many new yarn shops, chat with fellow yarn enthusiasts,
along with getting some spiffy new yarn for my stash.