Hiya all! Scifi Chris here with a post about projects made from atypical fibers.
Yarn can be made out of just about any
material, from the traditional wool to the very nontraditional plarn. These are some projects using materials a
little different from “regular” yarn.
Carol’s two puppies were chewing through
their leashes. She decided to crochet
some new leashes out of paracord, which is used as the cord on parachutes. Doug happened to have some paracord and
generously shared it with Carol. Using
directions she found online, she made two leashes. The blue and purple leash was made with one
strand of each color doubled over and woven as a 4-strand braid. Carol said that it was easy to make, but hard
on the hands. The red leash was woven on
a two pegged loom that Carol’s husband helped her make out of a pill container,
two nails and duct tape. (oh duct tape,
is there anything you can’t do?)
Carol was very happy with the results
and was all set to start making more leashes, then she discovered a website
selling leashes with a guarantee to replace them if they are chewed
through. That was the end of making
leashes, although Carol admits it was fun while it lasted.
Ribbon yarn is made from fabric. Just like the name implies, it looks like
thin fabric ribbon. The finished texture
is more cloth like than using traditional yarns. Barbara is knitting a scarf made from a
ribbon yarn in a color called City Lights.
She’s just doing basic straight knitting, back and forth, which made up
very fast. The ribbon yarn takes the
simple stitch to a whole other level, making the scarf look very spiffy.

I made a much less wild project using
plarn, a tote bag. It took about 40
large bags, cut into strips. It was an
interesting project, but a lot of work cutting all those bags into strips and joining
them together. I had to add the strap
like strip around the bag because plarn is very stretchy.
This last item isn’t yarn at all, its
meant to hold yarn. It’s a nylon sleeve
designed to keep the skein of yarn from unraveling and getting tangled. Carol, creative crafty person, just makes her
own using old pantyhose. After she
retired, she wasn’t wearing them so they were given a second life as yarn skein