The Yarn Ball this year was on a Sunday right after the closing of the Holiday Gift Sales. I never had time to get all the items from the sales onto the blog. Once the sales started I was too busy to put up any more.
Every year we have a fashion show to show off items we've made and in this year's case, items we've purchased!
We start off with a lace beaded entrelac stole designed and made by Theresa.
Lyn is wearing a blue jacket she made.
Adina has gone all out with her outfit by having knitted the shell, the scarf, and the hat.
Becky is showing off a beaded duster she found at the gift sales that is perfect for floating onto the stage.
A scarf you can't remember what yarn you used is still perfect for the show.
There I am showing off the "Midsummer's Night's Dream" shawl from Interweave Crochet summer 2010.
A knitted white shawl that Amanda doesn't remember all the details for is still looking great.
Peggy is showing off a scarf that was supposed to be a shawl. Some of our efforts end by being real surprises.
Susan's jacket looks nice and cozy.
Bradley shows off a vest that was made using two variegated yarns together, both of which bunched up to make the job very difficult. But we all agree it was worth the effort.
Victoria is showing off a wave stole. Again this is one of the times when I think my camera did not show off the colors well.
Carol is wearing a ribbon yarn cape which was made by Rebecca and purchased at the Gift Sales. Sometimes we are are own best customers!
Ward is showing off his yamaka.
Lisa is holding up her afghan of knitted entrelac rectangles. The different yarns are from various projects. Now when she focuses on a rectangle, pleasant memories come back. Not everything in our fashion show has to be clothing.
What fashion show is complete without Sponge Bob Square Pants?
Evie was beside herself when she realized she needed something made of yarn to be in the fashion show. I made this jumper for her, but unfortunately it was way too big. But we all agree that one day she would grow tall enough for it to fit. And she got to be part of the fashion show.