This past fall, Becky was hired to teach a lesson on composing to students in the Allegheny Clarion Valley School District. How do you do that? and hold their interest? FAST FOOD!
Becky, an accomplished pianist, got her mom and dad, Lyn and Joe, to knit and crochet a burger. Not your sink your teeth into size, but wrap your arms around size. All the parts are there: down to some sesame seeds on top.
They put it together in 2 weeks. Can you imagine the conversation at their house during that time? "Joe, what yarn do you think looks like hamburger?" "Lyn, is this a good color for cheese?" "How do you make lettuce?"
Finally Becky had a great teaching device for an innovative lesson plan. She explained that composing is a lot like building the perfect burger. Using Beethoven's "Fur Elise", she had students take and hold pieces of the burger associated with parts of the composition. The students then had to listen carefully and bring their part of the burger (composition) up and start stacking. Finally the Beethoven Burger was built and hopefully an interest in classical music sparked.
Even if we weren't at the lesson, everyone at 3RC recognizes the creativity that constructed the Beethoven Burger.