Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Karen's Projects

Karen has been very busy lately. She's been working for Highland Alpaca and taking care of her own business Chocolate River Alpacas.
But she found the time to finally work on projects. The basket weave sweater took a long time to finish. It is made from an alpaca blend that Karen requested and had made at a minimill. It's really soft. All hers.
She made the hat as a design sample for Highland. It's felted alpaca and she embroidered it. Karen is really good at felting. I know the sweater is knit but I think the hat was crocheted.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Paulette's Latest Projects

Paulette has been really busy lately.

The wraparound shrug is from Crochet!'s September issue. I especially like how the stitch pattern shows in the back. It fits nicely, too.

This fall I worked on a pattern from Lion Brand and everyone liked the design. Karen made one for Highland Alpaca in their yarn. Then Paulette made it in a different yarn. This knitted pattern can be found on Lion Brand's website.

Then Paulette took my broomstick crochet class. She made the scarf from the ball of alpaca yarn she got at the lesson along with the pattern. But she made it shorter than my design, so she knitted up some fingerless gloves. Whew!

Paulette is still rather new to 3RC, and is what I call a double threat yarn enthusiast: she both knits and crochets well. Oh well, this group will let anyone join.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Feel Good Strips

The Feel Good strips are still coming in. There are two crocheted strips on the chair Then Phyllis knitted three strips with a definite pattern in mind. She laid them out in the direction they should go on a bench in Panera's. I know of 3 more knitted strips coming in on Dec. 4th; so I am hoping for a knitted afghan and 2 crocheted ones. The V stitch has been so popular, one afghan can just be that. If there isn't enough for a fourth afghan, maybe we put together a lap robe. I remain hopeful though.

Kitty brought in a teddy bear. I think he must be a Thanksgiving bear because he looks like he ate the entire feast! Cute stuff!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Feel Good Strips

So far we have 5 completed strips turned in for the Feel Good project. Measuring them across the width comes to 44 ". That would seem enough width to make an afghan. But we'll wait to see what other sizes people have made to put all the strips together. The patterns people have chosen seem to go together well.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Beethoven Burger

This past fall, Becky was hired to teach a lesson on composing to students in the Allegheny Clarion Valley School District. How do you do that? and hold their interest? FAST FOOD!

Becky, an accomplished pianist, got her mom and dad, Lyn and Joe, to knit and crochet a burger. Not your sink your teeth into size, but wrap your arms around size. All the parts are there: down to some sesame seeds on top.

They put it together in 2 weeks. Can you imagine the conversation at their house during that time? "Joe, what yarn do you think looks like hamburger?" "Lyn, is this a good color for cheese?" "How do you make lettuce?"

Finally Becky had a great teaching device for an innovative lesson plan. She explained that composing is a lot like building the perfect burger. Using Beethoven's "Fur Elise", she had students take and hold pieces of the burger associated with parts of the composition. The students then had to listen carefully and bring their part of the burger (composition) up and start stacking. Finally the Beethoven Burger was built and hopefully an interest in classical music sparked.

Even if we weren't at the lesson, everyone at 3RC recognizes the creativity that constructed the Beethoven Burger.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Yarn Ball Finale: The Fashion Show

The Yarn Balls have always ended with a fashion show. The time when all of our talented members and contacts get to show off their knitting and crochet accomplishments, whether they did the item all by themselves, or someone who dearly loves them made it for them. Large or small, simple or complex, Three Rivers Crochet celebrates their achievements. There are small stories that go with most every picture for which we don't have the space here. If we missed your entry in the show, we apologize because the camera couldn't quite keep pace.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010