Friday, March 19, 2010

Finishing Up Projects and a Design Chance

Theresa just finished one of her famous diagonal baby blankets. This one has a particularly sweet edging.
Pat has just finished up a neck scarf. Pat is usually attracted to these colors. Now she is looking forward to a felting project.

Do you have design ideas in your head, but want a chance to start small?
Go to and find the chain reaction afghan project. Professional designers have been asked to make half the designs for the squares. Then the rest of the squares are being chosen from submissions by people with ideas. The afghan and directions for the squares will be in future issues of Interweave Crochet. Here's your chance!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


After we sent out a call for hats, Lynn was able to take 30 hats and 8 lapghans out to the VA Hospital. It was an impressive number and at least 14 were made by Lynn.
But I continued to make 4 more since I knew others were making hats but hadn't yet been able to drop them off. Jody, Joyce, and Marylen all made hats.
The pink hat is special because it was Becky's first attempt at crocheting in the round and making a hat. With every project Becky gains new crochet skills. I hope that being part of the group has helped us all to extend our skills.
Lynn will be making another stop at the VA!