Pat has really been working on her sweater. She even found a mistake and took out several rows and began again from there. We all know how daunting ripping out is. But she's really moving along now. Stay tuned.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Pat Continues
Pat has really been working on her sweater. She even found a mistake and took out several rows and began again from there. We all know how daunting ripping out is. But she's really moving along now. Stay tuned.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
The Lighter Side of Yarn

Some of us have discovered the book The Museum of Kitschy Stitches by Stitchy McYarnpants. It's subtitled A gallery of Notorious Knits. The pictures are fun and the commentary hilarious. Stitchy also has a website under her non de plume. Try it out.
Also try the site What Not To Crochet, which is where I found this picture. Surfing doesn't usually provoke me to laughing out loud on my own but this one did!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Last Afghan Squares
These two squares will be the last unless I can figure a way to photograph the black squares well.
I especially like the plaid. It's very effective. Were you even aware that crochet could produce such a great plaid? Does take a little planning but the result is impressive.
The other square just proves that Grannies aren't boring!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
More Squares for Afghan
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Becky's Afghan
When someone asks about coming to the Three Rivers crochet group, we always tell them that even though we meet every week, you can come whenever you can. Becky is a good example of that kind of flexibility. Becky (pictured here in red with Rebecca) feels a little like a "phantom crocheter" since she can only make it to the group every couple of months. Work comes first on Saturday for many in the group, as well as some of us who are busy with family on Saturday. We are really happy when we get to see someone we know would like to be with us more frequently but aren't as lucky as the rest of us on scheduling. We understand the call of the yarn.
Becky brought her baby afghan for us to see. It's turning out beautifully. But she's not sure who the lucky recipient will be yet. It was great that she could make it to Becky's recital.
One of the reasons the blog is such a good communication vehicle is to let people know what is going on with the group when they can't be with us. Let us know if the blog is satisfying that need.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Becky's Recital
A beautiful setting for beautiful music. Unfortunately no photos of the actual performance were allowed. St. Andrew's has beautiful stained glass windows and preservation calls for no flashes. So while we all enjoyed music in a "heavenly" setting, we can't share the image.
I'm amazed we got a picture of Becky by herself because she was just mobbed by congratulatory family, friends, students, and supporters. Actually I'm amazed we have any pix because the battery ran out on my camera again. Nothing new there. So these pix are courtesy of Theresa. But we did get a group picture of three rivers crochet - everyone who could make the recital.
The last picture is of our mascot, Buddy. She would come to every meeting (she loves yarn and crochet hooks) but the world has so many rules! She's a wonderful choice since this skirts any canine or feline jealousy.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
The Steeler Nation Afghan
I have been working on the border of the afghan but ver-r-r-y slow-ow-owly. I find it difficult because each new square calls for a different rhythm of progress. I also get distracted by all the different stitches in this afghan. It's like looking at a stitch bible in real life 3-D. So I thought I would share some of the squares close up, so everyone else can enjoy them. Some of the best ones are solid black and did not photograph well at all. If I can get better pix of those I'll show them. These are variations using black and a beautiful golden railroad yarn.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Inventing Designs
Chris just wanted a shawl or wrap for cool evenings. She picked up a luscious orange and used a combination of simple stitches and came up with this effective design. So don't be afraid to make something without a pattern. Finishing any project is satisfying but when it is your own? It's that something extra. Look at the great stitch definition.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
For Little Ones
It seems we are always making things for new arrivals into this world. It's also fun to make a small item and be able to see the finished product in week(s) instead of months. So "tot" sized clothes are very enjoyable to complete.
Charities are always in need of clothes for tots even if a small person is not right now in your life. Rebecca has become really good at taking that one skein (many donated, thank you) and creating adorable little garments. Sometimes the yarn doesn't quite make it to the finish, and more creativity is called upon for a stylish finish. The red sweater turned out perfect though and with just inches of the red to spare. This yarn was from a bag of red, green, and white yarn (leftover from a Christmas project??) that was donated to the group.
Lisa made these adorable Mary Janes. Again this project was from additional yarn. A lucky little miss will have warm tootsies.
Finally we have Stacy's knitted socks. This was her learning project. (Remember she had to make 3 because she lost 1) They turned out identical; good work Stace. I have also heard that making a child's size is a good way to learn a new technique and see how it works out for you before attempting the adult size. Which in my case is not an inconsiderable amount of yarn.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Pat's Saga
If you've been reading all along you have read about Pat and her sweater. Pat made a (knitted) sweater a long time ago. Her one and only attempt. It turned out like all first sweaters: with sleeves down to there. Why does that same thing happen to everyone??
She thought it would be a good idea to try crocheting a sweater since crochet goes so much more quickly. She bought yarn she loved: pricey and short yardage. When we figured out the amount needed it would have made the most expensive sweater she ever owned. The skein is being made into a lovely scarf (previous pic).
Onto lovely, soft, but inexpensive yarn and learning the esc. Pat thought the stitch made nice fabric and was an easy stitch. Alas, alas. The same problem many crocheters have. The darn sides wouldn't continue straight up but insisted on flaring out.
Pat has returned to knitting. But at this point getting motivated to work on it while home alone is a real problem. Pat is always encouraged to move along on her project when with the group. ( (I don't know how. We really are good at interrupting each other) Maybe she feeds off the energy we project for everyone's success at their endeavors.
Well this is Pat with the sweater so far. Look for more pix of her project in the future.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Shelli's Blast from the Past
Shelli brought in projects she made over 30 years ago. Back then the Granny Square was all the rage and there were many inventive ways of using it. I think her vest and purse are cooly retro and I love the colors. The dyes were new that could get these intense colors, although there was little restraint on what shades were put together. I think Shelli's items are very tasteful and wearable for today. She and i talked about the thing we made years ago but actually wore out and so have long faded away. We're much better about documenting things nowadays, maybe too much so. But of course Shelli has been crafting for years and continues to do so. Just look at her lovely baby blanket.
Monday, April 7, 2008
New Acquaintances
We again gathered around the fire. People have freedom to come and go as they please and we discovered that Yogi and Shelli had never met before. I think that at some time they were both at the same meeting but at different times.
Stacy finished her third sock and now has a set! I think she is moving on to bigger socks. Her finished set is so cute. Lynn helped Yogi with a diagonal stitch pattern that Yogi wanted to learn for a baby blanket for a cousin's soon to be arrival. All in all there was a lot of interaction and enthusiasm. A lovely meeting on a lovely day.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Another project for the yarntini lunch
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Cozy by the fire
This week we got a chance to sit by the fireplace. It didn't matter that it was so warm by the time we were leaving we didn't even need coats. We did our usual total rearranging of Panera's, but we were good: we put everything back. Some of us got the overstuffed leather chairs. Comfy! But I think we always have so many things that a real table comes in handy.
Pat has had trouble with the esc sweater ( the darn thing wouldn't grow straight!) and has decided to knit it. So she is swatching in her chosen yarn and beginning with a new mentor. (who knits which is not me).
Theresa brings so many projects to work on we look away and she has something different in her hands. So we put out 3 of the baby blankets she is working on.
The black motif is being worked on by Chris: a scarf? a shawl?
Rebecca is showing off two projects we thought would sell at a table (if we decide to do that).
A scrumptious hat and darling child's sweater.
Lynn was making a sweet baby blanket. She feels the Linus project was really stockpiled and we should look for a group without a blanket connection.
Finally everyone said we should have a pic of a lace poncho I wore. I made it 2 years ago from Caron Simply Soft and it's such a lovely soft orchid color. So right for spring.
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