Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Typical Saturday

A nice size group was in attendance Saturday.We were working on quite a few projects. Lynn gave me the Steeler Nation afghan to put a border on but Rebecca finished sewing up all the edges on
the other side first. Thanks R! Pat really wants to make a sweater and practiced the esc which she has never used and found she liked how the stitches looked. We also discussed my extensive stash (which is by no means the largest in the group)and how it could help out some other's projects. 
Lynn and I got together Sunday and it looks like we put together enough baby homespun to make a baby blanket. I think I'll bring some yarn in my trunk next week to see if it helps anyone.
I'm debating putting up an unedged pic so you can see how one of these afghans grows. Placing the pieces kept Lynn up nights. Maybe for the next afghan we can get a picture log growing and put them together into a story.
Diane  PS I had the camera. I just forgot to use it!

Monday, February 18, 2008


Welcome to Chrissy who is another techie into crochet; she was making a beautiful baby blankie which we thought the recipient would just love.
There would be a picture of her working on it if I knew how to work a camera properly. Nothing there and no idea what I did or didn't do so I would or wouldn't do that again!
    We started talking about the luncheon for next year's festival (Three Yarntini Lunch). There were so many ideas the voice of sanity (you know who you are) interjected and asked if all that could be accomplished during just one luncheon. We started paring down and planning a sequence to the activities and got better control of our ideas. I won't say too much yet because we need to get closer to what we all want.
    The other problem is where do we continue to meet? It was crowded at Panera's on Sat and while we always manage to gather everyone around, there are times when we could conceivably have 20 people show up. So we're brainstorming on a new place, too. We want all the people we invited at the festival to come to a get together and be comfy. 
We are getting ready for some changes, fur shur.  

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Festival Fun

Well most of us made it to the festival. The display was set up in the Warmup America room and we had flyers and bookmarks to hand out. We all met different people at different times who might be interested in the group. So we are looking forward to seeing some new faces this Saturday.
There are 3 river buttons that were handed out. If you didn't get one, speak up.
We took every sort of class, perhaps we will have some ideas for our lessons on 2nd Saturday.
How to join motifs as you go may be one. If there's something you would like to see covered or you can show us, just send an email or just speak up.
We will also discover this Saturday how much damage was done to pocketbooks at the yarn market. What was irresistible? Did you buy a bunny? a spinning wheel? Taking a class at one of our (we are so lucky to have) LYS?
Yarnies came from rather far because this type of event wasn't available at home.
Thanks Barb. We're looking forward to next year.  

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Plannng for the festival

We were really busy at the meeting on the 2nd. We want people to get to know the group and have been planning a table. Look for a storyboard from Stacy, fliers on the Three Yarntini Lunch which we hope to sponsor next festival, and buttons for our members. There should be bookmarks to remember us by and encourage you to stop by our regular meetings.
We're always discussing something new. We don't need caffeine drinks, just crochet time together.