20 blankets
17 scarves
2 hat/scarf sets
10 hats
4 purses
1 baby sweater
2 pairs of slippers
And 132 balls of yarn to be made into even more items!
In addition, between the afghan auction and cash donations, we raised $450 for Rwanda Knits!
Thanks to everyone who made this such a huge success! Also, thanks go to Becky for hosting the event again at her house. And as you can see from the pictures below, there was something fun for everyone!
Hand crafted items were on display at every turn...

Sharing, chatting, and crocheting and knitting were enjoyed by many...

The Yarn Ball Fashion Show featured treasured items made by or for the wearers...

Entertainment helped set the festive mood...

Stories kept the younger attendees enthralled...

The silent auction winners were announced after a flurry of last minute bidding...

And of course, there was tasty Yarn Ball Cake!

If you couldn't join us this year, we hope you'll make plans for next year's Yarn Ball!
Also check out more pictures at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/three_rivers_crochet/ (You may need to register to see them.)